code_annotations.extensions package#


code_annotations.extensions.base module#

Abstract and base classes to support plugins.

class code_annotations.extensions.base.AnnotationExtension(config, echo)#

Bases: object

Abstract base class that annotation extensions will inherit from.

extension_name = None#
abstract search(file_handle)#

Search for annotations in the given file.

class code_annotations.extensions.base.SimpleRegexAnnotationExtension(config, echo)#

Bases: AnnotationExtension

Abstract base class for languages that have comments which can be reasonably searched using regular expressions.

comment_regex_fmt = "\n        {multi_start}           # start of the language-specific multi-line comment (ex. /*)\n        (?P<comment>            # Look for a multiline comment\n            [\\d\\D]*?            # capture all of the characters...\n        )\n        {multi_end}             # until you find the end of the language-specific multi-line comment (ex. */)\n        |                       # If you don't find any of those...\n        (?P<prefixed_comment>   # Look for a group of single-line comments\n            (?:                 # Non-capture mode\n                {single}        # start by finding the single-line comment token (ex. //)\n                .*              # and capture all characters until the end of the line\n                \\n?             # followed by an optional carriage return\n                \\ *             # and some empty space\n            )*                  # multiple times\n        )\n    "#
lang_comment_definition = None#

Search for annotations in the given file.


file_handle – Handle for the file to validate


List of dicts describing found annotations, or an empty list

code_annotations.extensions.javascript module#

Stevedore extension for static annotation searching in Javascript files.

class code_annotations.extensions.javascript.JavascriptAnnotationExtension(config, echo)#

Bases: SimpleRegexAnnotationExtension

Annotation extension for Javascript source files.

extension_name = 'javascript'#
lang_comment_definition = {'multi_end': '\\*/', 'multi_start': '/\\*', 'single': '//'}#

code_annotations.extensions.python module#

Stevedore extension for static annotation searching in Python files.

class code_annotations.extensions.python.PythonAnnotationExtension(config, echo)#

Bases: SimpleRegexAnnotationExtension

Annotation extension for Python source files.

extension_name = 'python'#
lang_comment_definition = {'multi_end': '"""', 'multi_start': '"""', 'single': '\\#'}#

Module contents#

Extensions used in static annotation functionality.